
Copyright © 2016, 2018-2020 by VeryWellAged

Back to Chapter 8

Author's note: This chapter is NOT a stand-alone...The story starts here.

Parachute Woman

Get up Erlyn! You are here and safe. You don’t need to kiss my feet.

Master, you save my life. You know you do. I know you do. I am alive because you will it. Why I not kiss the feet of my savior?

Get up and come inside.

Amelae already thinks I am a divine being. This crap is just reinforcing that. Aina is in a vulnerable state. She was confused, but I suspect, had sincere and deep doubts about this divine hoo-hah. But now?

I get the assembled inside which only scrambles Aina’s head further as both girls disrobe once the front door is closed.

I can see that there are two problems with Erlyn. For one thing, she is filthy and I do not just mean dirty. I mean filth. The other is that she has what appears to be a flesh wound. It looks like it was caused by a bullet.

Amelae! Take Erlyn into the shower and clean her up now! I am going to call a doctor. She needs help with that wound.

Amelae and Erlyn, naked as they be, leave us. I am left with Aina. I ask her to sit down. She does, as I go to the kitchen and pour both of us a tall cool glass of pineapple juice. I hand Aina a glass, and take a sip from mine.

She say you save her life. She call you her Savior, but you are not Jesus. How are you a Savior?

I am not. I know Erlyn thinks I am. I am not.

I think Amelae think the same thing.

She thinks I am divine. That is different from “Savior.” I have never claimed to be divine. I do collect souls and I will protect you while you live. I cannot give or take life. There is no heaven and there is no hell, so there is no way I can be a savior.

But you saved that girl’s life. She say it.

I know she thinks it. That does not make it true. What is true, is that you are safe. There is no sin. You are a good person. I will protect you, if you sell me your soul.

She takes a sip of the juice. I not talk about my soul. This tastes good. Thank you.

Will you excuse me? I want to call a doctor to look at Erlyn. And while the doctor is here, I want him to look at you. You are painfully thin. I know you haven’t been eating, but I think a check with a doctor is needed.

I cannot afford it.

I am paying. So no problem.

Why you do this?

Because I want to make sure you live a long time.

Why that, if you want my soul?

Because a soul from someone who has lived a long life is the best type of soul there is.

That gets a surprised look. I take my leave of the girl as she sips the juice.

The call doesn’t take long. The doc won’t get here for hours, but at least he is coming.  I return to where Aina is and keep up a casual and desultory conversation about her family, life goals, fashion, and her friends, while I put some food out on the table. It is too early for lunch, but I suspect neither Erlyn nor Aina has eaten for quite a while. As we chat I toss her a lakatan banana. Without thinking, she peels and eats it, while keeping up with the conversation we are engaged in.

Why do they think you are a god? You seem normal to me.

You mean other than the bit about collecting souls?

I get a laugh. Yes, other than that!

Oh, it’s complicated, but after a while you will sort it out.

She looks at the remains of the banana, the peel, at the empty juice glass and then back at me. You just did that, didn’t you?

Do what, Aina?

This the first time I eat and happy in a long time. How you do that?

I didn’t do anything. You were hungry and you ate a banana. What is more normal than that?

Is it a trick?

No, no trick. I didn’t do anything. It just happened. That’s all.

She is just looking at me. I smile back. Amelae and Erlyn reenter the room. The wound on Erlyn looks nasty, but not in any way life threatening.  I tell her the doctor will be here this afternoon.

Amelae is giving me a hard look. Master?


I think you have some explaining. How you do what you do?

Just what are you talking about?

You save the life of Erlyn.

I didn’t.

You say you not lie. Why you lie now?

I am not lying. Erlyn, I didn’t save your life. You saved your own life.

No! I not able, I stuck. I am hiding behind a tricycle. There is a door behind me but a big lock is on it and I cannot open the door. I am already hurt by a bullet, but no one know it. They are coming my way. They will see me. If they do I will die. Just like you tell me, if I go, we all die. I see Dany die. I see them kill my mother. I know, I am next. They coming. I know there is truth in you. I know you try to save my life but I am too stupid to be a good girl and listen to you. I know you not punishing me. I know I do this to myself. I know you are the only real god. All the others are kwak-kwak1. I pray to you to save me. When I do that, the lock falls open. I sneak into the building and they not find me. I hide in there for a long time. I afraid to come out until the sun is down and it is dark. I have no money. It take a long time to walk here and I am hurt. That make it slow, too.

Once again Amelae has that damned look on her face. So why you lie?

I am not lying. Maybe the lock opened because a stray bullet hit it. I don’t know. Erlyn you are very lucky. Even if I had opened the lock, that on its own didn’t save Erlyn. It required the bad guys to not test the door. It required that the wound was not too bad. There was a lot of luck in this.

But you opened the lock, Master.

You do not know this, Amelae. You want it to be true, but you do not know how the lock opened.

Master, you make miracles. This is not the first. You make money appear in my mother’s account at the hospital. Not once, not twice, no! ... Three times! Three men die because they threaten me. You know about what people are telling me before I even get the text. And you know what I text someone without seeing my phone. Do not say you are not divine. Do not say there are no miracles. Do not lie.

Aina has been listening to this. Po, I am taught that God wants us to bow down and supplicate ourselves to him. We are to beseech him to protect us. You are saying, no, do not pray to me. Do not say I am a god. But I think it is clear you are God. I am confused.

I am not God. Your “god” is a lazy asshole. I am not “a god.” Real gods give and take lives. I do not do that. I am prohibited from both actions. I can give you a happy life if you want it. But to do that you must give me your soul. I am not sure you want to do that.

They did it, right? (She is referring to Amelae and Erlyn.)

Yes, they have.

Erlyn disobeyed you but you saved her life anyway. Correct?

No. She did disobey me. But I did not save her life. She did that.

Erlyn is not having this. You unlocked the door. Stop being difficult.

I can’t stop you from believing it. I am not admitting it.

Aina is confused by all this. What I do to sell my soul?

At the moment, I will not take it. You need to eat, gain weight and get healthier. I find your condition scary. Once you are healthy, I will allow it.

Am I supposed to remove my clothing?

Not before I take ownership of your soul. Stay dressed until then.

Am I supposed to call you Master?

Call me Ninong for now. Amelae, take Aina to your bedroom, she needs to sleep and eat and sleep, for a few days.

Yes, Master. And those two leave the room. I grab two more bananas and toss one to Erlyn.

Erlyn, what am I to do with you? She is grinning a little bit.

Use me anyway you want. I am your girl now, Master. There is no other way. And she takes a good sized bite of the banana.

I just nod. She means it. It took losing everything she had before she figured it out, but she has.

So now I really don’t need Aina here, but I suspect she will stay. At the moment I have two who need medical attention and bed rest, one away and only one who is not otherwise unavailable. It takes four to have one. It explains a great deal as to why marriage is such a bad option.

Erlyn are you sure you don’t need some time just to process the loss of your family?

What you think I doing since they killed? They choose that life. Maybe my mother live longer, maybe not. But she get Chona and that boy killed because she not there to run the drugs. So maybe I stupid. Maybe I am selfish and not see truth. Maybe I should be gone from them and let them live or die without me. Maybe I not hear what you trying to tell me. I hear it now. … I need to not let love hide evil. I do that. You try to tell me that, without being mean. I think you mean, but it not true. You not say to me, ‘why I am stupid, loving evil people.’ No, you just say you cannot help Dany, but if I stay away maybe my mother, even though she is evil, she will live. Yes that what you tell me, but you nice about it. Still, I am stupid and I not listen right. So, now I know. Now I know to listen to you. You say important things. Just like you ask Amelae and Mirafe, who should die. They not think what that means. Now they do. Now they know. I think if there something wrong, it you too nice.

There’s a criticism I never thought I would hear. And I sure as hell never expected to hear it from Erlyn. I toss her another lakatan. She just smiles as she catches it. It true, see you are too nice. I am tired, Master. OK if I go to bed?

It’s a good idea. See you later. Erlyn limps off to the bedroom as Amelae exits it. Thank you for saving her life, Master.

Will you stop it, please? I do not know why the lock came loose. I can do many things. That is something I never claimed to be able to do.

When the doctor coming?

I don’t think we will see him earlier than three and maybe not until far later. … There will be four of you. I need to split you up between two bedrooms. Who do you want to be with?

We all be together for now. Maybe we do that later. I will let you know. Master, that priest was evil, what he do to Aina.

Yes, he was. Priests are a real problem in that way. In another, we get all their souls. But I wish it wasn’t so easy with them.

I not understand. You want all of us who don’t or can’t give ourselves to this ‘god,’ to give our souls to you, but you don’t like evil.

The other side uses a con to get souls. It is the promise of life after death. Christians, Muslims, Hindus all do that. With the Hindu it is re-incarnation but he gets them all if they really buy the bullshit. It drives us crazy. It’s a lie.  … We get those who don’t believe and those who think they aren’t good enough. Yes sure we get real creeps too, but that doesn’t mean we have to like the creeps. …  We just want the average soul from the average person. There is nothing evil about us. Look at it this way, maybe I have lost the priest. Maybe he thinks it is God who was warning him and his soul goes the other way. We get Aina. So even if it is just an even swap. I figure we won.

You know I hear what Erlyn tell you. Maybe you are too nice! And she giggles.

Come with me?

Where we going, Master?

To my bed.

I have never had one of them in my bedroom. It is in a part of the house she has never had a chance to see before, as it is beyond a locked door that opens on to a hallway. My bedroom, library/study, and office/work area are all back here. Once in the hallway, I lock the door behind us. I lead her down the hallway and around a corner, before entering my bedroom.

It is spotless, Master. It only you here, di ba?

Yes it is only me.

Who care for you?


That not good. I want to do that. OK na2?

Yes, but I will allow Erlyn to assist too.

Oh! You have decided something about us I think.

Hop up on the bed. I will be right back.

I return to my work area. I want to take a quick look at SMS traffic. There is nothing about Erlyn. There is nothing about Aina, or Amelae. All this is good. But there is traffic about Mirafe’s family. There is nothing I can do. It is time I rejoin Amelae.

I am removing my clothing. Amelae asks, Are you going to take me here?

Yes and no. We are going to take each other. There will be no pain. We can take our time and just enjoy each other.

Master, is this not making love?

This is real caring. It is what we will have with each other.

Not love?

Love is what killed Erlyn’s mother. This is caring. And with that I cup Amelae’s left breast in my right hand. We are not off to the races. We are beginning a slow, leisurely exploration of each other. I find out where she is ticklish. She discovers that I am not ticklish in the least. She grumbles, that makes it so very unfair. I am simply in no rush. We just need to be together. She sees me as a god. I am not a god. This will hopefully make that clear.

Not that I can’t perform. It’s just that my body is simply a body. As we spend the time together, she will hopefully learn that while I am to be respected, I am safe to approach, to touch, to tease.

We roll around on the bed. I am more than a good foot taller than is she. I weigh close to double what she weighs. Still it all works and eventually I slide into her as she mounts me from above. She starts giggling.

What? I ask.

I am riding a God! For real!

OK, well, the plan isn’t exactly going the way I wanted it! Why do you keep on calling me a god? I am not a god.

Oh yes you are. And she giggles again. You are a shy God! You are embarrassed to be a God! Why that? She asks as she grinds her cunt into me.

Master, can you really give me human children.


Will they have any of your powers?

Any human can have my powers.

Answer the question!

That will be up to them.

All through this she is bouncing up and down on me. I can see it is getting her off. I reach up and pinch a tit. Sure enough, she likes that. I give both her tits a pinch and she smashes down on me hard, driving my ass into the mattress.

As much as it is getting her off, it isn’t doing much for me. I roll her over and just pound her cunt for all I am worth for a few minutes before giving her the dessert I suspect she desires.

Master, maybe I can be here some nights with you?

Maybe. We will see. I go to bed late and get up very early.

How early?

Normally around four in the morning.

When you go to bed?

Around midnight.

Wow. Not much sleep! OK I see that not work. Better in the day!

Yes, better in the day.

Master, why you start with us? Why now?

I guess it was the lies of the soliciting. It was one con too many. It ticked me off. I see churches solicit all the time. OK, they do it, and I ignore it. But you were going around lying about why you needed the funds and the church had told you to do it. It was just one con too many.

They still doing it.

I know and I want to make an example of them.

When I join you, I think I am protecting the church. Now I see why you are angry with them. What we do?

1 - Quacks. As in a quack physician. In this case a false god.
2 - Na = now. So she is asking, it is OK now that I care for your personal things?

Chapter 10