The Joshua Tree

Copyright © 2011-2015, 2017-2018, 2020 by VeryWellAged

Back to Chapter 23

Author's note: These chapters are NOT stand-alones...The story starts here.

What’s the vig?

We need to talk about your finances.

That was the very first thing out of Mary’s mouth Monday morning, as she sat with Joshua while he ate a breakfast of mango, banana and barako coffee.

Why? Joshua figured Mary must have something in mind but, for the life of him, he had no idea what it might be.

Your plans have changed and we will not go the USA for years now. I know we can get along with how you have things set up, but we can do so much better. Mary was sitting very close to him. She took his napkin and dabbed it on the corner of his mouth. He must have had a piece of mango there. I am a good money manager, Joshua, and with some changes, I can make us a lot of money while we live here. You will see.

Joshua was in a very good mood. He had, only minutes before, exited his bedroom after having two of his twelve-year-olds get him off, first by waking him up via giving him head, and then by plowing Ricca until she came nonstop, while he dumped the second load in her cunt in just nine hours. There was not a tense bone in his body. He wasn’t really prepared to discuss finances this morning but, clearly, Mary was. What do you want me to do?

Those two bank accounts you showed me… the ones with your savings… you need to transfer much of them here.

Joshua didn’t like the sound of that. Those accounts were his safety net, and they were tax deferred IRAs, and they collected interest. Pulling them out would create tax consequences. What do you want to do with that money? Those funds are invested. They grow, with the interest paid to the accounts.

How much interest do you receive, Joshua?

Seven percent, I think. It’s a good return these days!

A month?

No, a year, Mary. No one gets seven percent a month.

Joshua, I can grow your investments by ten percent a month.

Mary, there is no way!

Joshua, I can do it. Will you let me make us some money? I have known how to do this for years but we never have the money to invest. You do. We can do very well with your money.

How, Mary? How does this work.

We make loans, and we collect 10% every end-of-month payday. We hold onto the peoples’ ATM cards and every payday we take it directly from their account that gets paid into by their employer.

This is legal?

Yes it is done all the time.

How much do you want to loan out?

Joshua, if you withdraw $250,000 from your retirement accounts ... that will convert to ₱10,750,000. In one year we can get a return in interest ₱11,825,000. If we reinvest that the next year we will earn ₱24,832,500. You could return all the money you loaned out and put it back in your account in the USA and have even more here.

Well, I can’t ‘return it’ because of tax issues and laws… but as far as your plan, I will ask your mother. If she agrees then I will do it. Ok? And with that, Mary jumped into his lap and planted a big, serious kiss on his lips. Luckily, he was not holding the coffee cup at the moment!

When Joshua asked Ana Fe later, she explained that people often were unable to get loans from banks, and this type of loan was very common, as was the interest that Mary was saying they would get. In the USA, this would be an illegal loan-shark business, but evidently not here. Joshua would contact his bank and make arrangements. In the meantime, they had shopping to do; beds to purchase, a dining room table to find; Internet and cable TV to order.

Joydee had to make contact with the local public school and make arrangements for home study of all the children. She would have seven students. One of the bedrooms would be her classroom.

Most of what they needed was ordered or purchased that day. Within a week, the internet and cable TV were working. Beds had been delivered and new curtains had been hung. A large dining room table had been located and was in use each day. The classroom was set up and classes started ten days after they arrived at the new house.

But before that, there was one important event that caused a great deal of commotion. Joshua and Ana Fe were formally married, with Ana Fe’s family in attendance, along with many friends and relatives. There were three roast pigs and lots of other foods and drinks. No one could say they had not been invited, nor could they say that they had not witnessed the blessed event. And finally, none could say that they left the facilities hungry. And so, seven days after Joydee joined the family, Ana Fe was indeed and forever, Joshua’s wife.

Two days after the wedding, Ana Fe sat down with her husband, held his hand, looked into his eyes and asked, Are you ever going to take Joydee again? You haven’t touched her since Manila. She ask me last night if this to be her life now.

I see. No, it has not been intentional. Bring her with you tonight.

Bad idea. Have her alone. She never with you alone. Mahal, I not worry about you. I know you my husband. She know it. But her life a wife to me now. Best she a wife to you too.

That’s a really bad idea. When we get to the USA she will need to find her own husband. If I fall in love with her, what happens?

God will show us the way, Mahal. I sure of this. Do this for me. She need to be with you, truly.

OK, tell her to come to me tonight.

Things had settled down. Sure, there had been hectic days, and there was a lot still going on, but most of it was swirling around Joshua and not directly involving him. His not bedding Joydee was something else. He had pretty much chosen to not think about her in any way other than that of their school teacher and Ana Fe’s companion. It was just easier that way.

Everyone else in the house, save Rowena, would be with him for many years, or at least that was the hope and plan. The plan for Joydee was for her to move on to another man in a couple of years.

He could accept the young ones growing up and moving on. It was harder to feel that way if he fell in love with Joydee. Still, Ana Fe needed him to take her tonight and he would do it.

Were you avoiding me, Joshua?

Maybe, Joydee, maybe.

You said it wasn’t just my girls, you wanted me too. Was that not true?

No, your memory is good and I do want you. But I am afraid to want you, also.


Oh, hell, you know the plan. We get to the USA and you find a husband.

Yes. I know. Why are you afraid? You think he will be more macho than you?

Joshua just had to grin. It wasn't an unfair way of thinking about his fear. It’s funny, but that never had crossed his mind.

No, oh, I guess the next guy might be more ‘macho’ than me. I don’t know. If he is, that’s fine with me. It’s not that. … I am afraid to fall in love with you. Do you think that's silly?

Does Ana Fe know this?

Sure. We talked about it before she insisted I have you come to my bed tonight.

She not afraid you will be in love with me?

Joydee, she’s my wife. I love her and I will always love her. She knows that. But... do you know she loves you?

I… I… She say I am her wife. Yes, she tell me that. She say she love me. But I… You mean she love me like you love her?


This not bother you?

No. Why should it? She’s my wife and she loves me.

But she loves me, too?


And she want you to love me?

She didn’t say that. Well, not exactly. She asked why I had not bedded you since Manila and I told her that I was afraid to fall in love with you. And she told me she wanted you to be a wife to me.

Will you?

How often will you be in my bed?

As often as you let me.

Why? You will find another when we get to the USA.

Maybe we will find a way to stay together. This is my hope. … I want your love, Joshua.

And with that, the talking ended. Joshua undressed Joydee until she was naked and barefooted in front of him. He took off his own clothes and tossed each article into a corner of the room, before bringing Joydee into his arms.

He didn’t have to coax her. She had prayed for this since the day she read his first message on that website. She had prayed when he said no, that first time, and begged him to reconsider. She was not too proud to do that. He had reconsidered and said OK, maybe. She thanked God for that.

She prayed again when he said ‘no’ again and begged once more. She waited for his heart to bend her way, only to have his fiancée bend for him. She thanked God once again. God had been good to her in her time of desperation. God then did something funny. He gave her a wife instead of a husband. But if this was what God wanted for her, she would be a good servant of the Lord and love her wife. And so, Joydee found true love for Ana Fe.

But God was not done with her. God wanted her to have a husband, too. Her wife wanted to share her husband. Once, yet again, Joydee was thanking God almighty, and welcoming her husband’s cock into her pussy.

Oh, Joshua, I will be a good wife to you. Oh, my love. Yes, my love, deeper. Oh yes!

Joshua heard her as his cock found a new and welcome home. She was beautiful just standing in an airport. Now, below him, if it was even possible, she was even more exquisite. And, from her lips, he was hearing things that just should not be.

Her legs wrapped around him. Her arms held his shoulders. Her eyes looked into his and a smile on her face was only broken when she told him, I love you. Truly. Truly. A tear fell across her cheek as she implored him, Please love me, Joshua. Please.

If I do, I will never let you go. Do you understand that?

Yes! Yes! Do it! Please!

And Joshua, feeling cum welling up, thought of the child that might well bind them together in the most inconvenient way, knowing that there was no stopping the cum.

And there wasn’t, as cum left Joshua and entered Joydee.

Joydee, we may both regret this, but I will give you my love. Pray we haven’t made a big mistake.

Joydee said nothing. She just held her man tight and cried.

In the days following the marriage, Joshua arranged to cash out half the amount desired by Mary in one calendar year, and by waiting a few more days, he was able to take out the second amount in the next calendar year. Doing so, he significantly reduced his tax exposure. As it turned out, it was taking a while to place all the loans. She would not have been able to move the funds any faster, even if he taken them all at the same time. But all the money did get loaned out.

§ § §

Their lives at home continued on, and Joshua’s life took on new routines, as there was now a never-ending line of those who were waiting their turn to be with him at night. Of those, the only one that caused him trouble and heartache was Joydee.

She snuck into line frequently with Ana Fe, with Mary, with Arlin and, at times, alone. Joshua’s true wife knew it was happening. Not only did she know, but she was assisting!

Why are you doing this?

It important.


It is. Why you so difficult? Allow this.

There was no way to understand his wife. Joshua stopped trying. At least, he stopped trying to get the reason why from Ana Fe. His next stop on his quest for an answer was Mary. Mary seemed to know her mother’s heart. Maybe she would know.

Mother says it must happen. That all I know, Joshua. She knows you good. She right about Arlin and Mitze, true?

OK. Yes, but how does that have anything to do with this?

I not know, but I trust her. You should trust her, too. All she do, she do to make you happy. I sure of this.

It most certainly was making Joshua unhappy. He was unhappy, and falling in love with Joydee. This was far from his dream. This was a nightmare. Nevertheless, Joydee was with him often at night; though, when with another, it was always with an older female, never a young one.

Joshua decided, if Joydee wanted his heart completely, he was going to make it harder on her. Maybe, maybe he could get her to back off her drive to embed herself so deeply in his heart. Joshua got word from Mitze. Joydee had gotten Arlin to allow her to join Arlin tonight with him.

Arlin, I have a favor to ask.

Of course! What you want?

I want you to switch days with Ricca; Ricca tonight and you tomorrow.


Yes, I know, Joydee was going to join you tonight, right.


Don’t tell Joydee anything. She will join Ricca and me.

Oh! Really?


Maybe she not want.

Maybe, Arlin, maybe.

Oh. OK.

To Joshua, it was better that Joydee and he find a better, more stable long-term relationship. One that permitted her to move on without her heart, or his, being rent apart in the future.

§ § §

Ricca, you are switching days with Arlin. So come to me tonight. OK?

Ate know?

Yes, she agrees?

Who else tonight?

Can you keep a secret?

Duh! Of course.

You are not to tell even the one who will come.

Yes! Joshua, I be good.

Joydee will be there.

OMG. Joshua, she never with us. Not even with Janna.

I know.

Why? … Oh, OK, I see. But, why not Febe or Janiza?

If needed, after you, maybe. But maybe not needed.

You think she not OK with it?

I don’t know, my sweet love, I just don’t know.

Joshua, maybe she will leave us!

That stopped Joshua in his tracks. He had never considered that. Ricca was right. She might. He could hope she didn’t, but there was no way to know. If he did not do as he was planning, there was no risk of her leaving. So, should he do this? Now, he wasn’t sure.

Maybe, but if I think it is going that bad, I will stop it.

Good. I not want her to leave us. Please be careful.

I will, my little love, I will.

But, as much as he was promising to be careful, Joshua knew some of this would be out of his control. Still, it seemed like it needed to happen. He needed to put the brakes on his attachment to Joydee.

§ § §

Where is Arlin?

Joshua smiled at Joydee as she had just entered the bedroom. Good evening, sweetheart. Are you expecting Arlin?

Yes! This her night. She allow me to come with her.

I see. Well there has been a change of plans. You of course will stay, but Arlin will not be here.

I have you alone? Really?

Exiting the CR a voice came. No, we share him tonight.


Good evening, Tita.1

Joshua! Why?

But Joshua wasn’t interesting in having a discussion on the merits of his decision and what he hoped would come of it. Ricca, undress your tita.

Signaling acceptance with the instruction, Ricca’s eyebrows raised once as she approached Joydee.

For her part, Joydee stood perfectly still. What was he doing? This was her husband. She didn’t understand and was far from happy. But if this was what Joshua required, she would do it. There was no choice. Without him there was nothing. Nothing for her and more importantly, nothing for her girls.

Was this a test? Was Joshua testing her? Did he need proof that she was accepting all that happened here? She would not fail him. Joshua would see. She was a good wife. Every bit as good as Ana Fe.

For a moment, she wondered, might she be a better wife? And then as quickly as the thought had emerged, she quashed it. That could not be. It could never be. She must never think it again!

But as good? Yes. She would be as good. Joshua wanted this? OK. There would be no problem for him with her. Not now, not ever. He was her husband. That was the sum total of it.

As the undressing continued, Ricca began to receive help from her tita. A smile formed on Joydee’s face and there came a calmness of her bearing. Joshua noted all of this. He was both relieved that she would not freak out and leave, and aware that his attempt to cool her passion for their relationship may have failed.

Once Joydee was naked, Joshua removed Ricca’s clothing. He was about to remove his own, but Ricca turned to Joydee, saying, We do his! Come!

And, in a cooperative manner, they did undress their man, though Ricca wanted to throw the clothing on the floor and Joydee wanted to fold each item up and place them in a neat pile. Joshua fond the interplay between the two humorous.

But, undressed he was, at the end of it all. Putting Ricca in the middle of the bed and on her back, he slid onto the bed himself, at an angle from Ricca but close enough to kiss her and told Joydee, Eat her out and make her cum.

Rather than getting any pushback from Joydee, the gal dove right into Ricca’s cunt, at about the same time Joshua’s lips met Ricca’s. Joshua knew that Joydee was getting after it by Ricca’s responses to it. He certainly didn’t cause the kid to gasp and moan. That was all Joydee.

It was all Joydee. As the evening progressed, Joshua mounted Ricca and Joydee sucked on Ricca’s nipples, as well as French kissing with the girl. Ricca went down on Joydee and was rewarded with Joydee cumming on her tongue. Joshua’s cum entered Ricca and Joydee sucked it out as well as she could, driving Ricca crazy yet again.

In a way, the evening was a complete success. In another way it was a complete failure.

§ § §

She do me good last night.

Yes, that much was clear.

Febe and Janiza next?

Maybe. I am not sure. It is one thing to push Joydee, but I don’t want to hurt the girls.

I will talk to them. Maybe they will be OK with it. It was OK with them with Arlin. They not have a problem. Especially not Janiza! She have a crush now on Mary but afraid to tell her!

Interesting. Yes, please talk to them and let me know.

§ § §

Mary, you have someone who wants you to take them to bed!

I not leave you! Why you tell me this?

You going to leave me for Janiza?

Oh! Really? You want I do this?

Why not? It am told it will make her very happy. Take her alone once and maybe you and your mother once. Let her know, all in the family love her.

Mary, not being stupid, knew there was a reason Joshua was not giving her for this. Regardless, she knew what he wanted, and it would happen. It was a lot like her mother. Both had agendas they didn’t share with her. Sometimes she could figure it out, and sometimes she just couldn’t. No matter, she needed to get the thing done.

§ § §

Mahal, what you doing with Janiza? Mary bring her last night. She say this your plan.

How did it go?

It go fine. Janiza is a nice girl. What is your plan?

I want to make Janiza a happy girl.

Ha! That not all!

Did you have a good time?

Why you ask that?

Well, did you?

You know, before I meet you, I would never do such a thing. I would think it evil. Truly. How I admit I enjoy a little one eating my pussy until I cum? How I do that?

Joshua just smiled and kissed his wife.

§ § §

Janiza, tell me, is there anyone other than Rowena, who you have not been with? Anyone at all?

Just my Nanay2. I know your wife, she with Mary so that happen. But Febe and me we not with ’Nay.

Do you want to try that?

Nay ask?

No, but if you and your sister want, maybe we should surprise her. What do you think?

OK with me. Ricca say she have a nice time with ’Nay. When you want?

Are you sure Febe will be OK with this?

You be there too?

Yes, I will be there.

Then it OK with her. I sure.

How about we do this tonight?

OK. I will tell Febe this is a secret.


§ § §

I know you not allow me to come alone this time. Who is in the CR, my love?

Joshua just smiled, approached Joydee, and began undressing her between kisses. Joydee was enjoying the kisses and willingly engaged while, at the same time, interspersing, Who is it? Tell me!

About the time Joshua had her completely stripped down, the door to the CR opened to reveal two completely naked girls. It us, ’Nay.


Shhh! Come lie down and enjoy. It’s not like your wife hasn’t been with her own daughters. And here, Joshua knew that he was shading the truth. Ana Fe had been with Mary, Arlin and Janna, but not with Ricca. So it wasn’t completely the same, but right now that seemed like a quibble to him.

To the extent that Joydee was well aware that Mary, Arlin and Janna had been with Ana Fe, she was pretty much feeling like there was no room to argue. If she wanted to be as good a wife as Ana Fe, this needed to happen.

And so it was that Joydee found herself on her back with Janiza eating her out, Febe sucking on a tit and mauling the other while Joshua engaged her lips. For a moment, Joydee wanted to cry out, ‘what are you doing to me?’

But she didn’t. What she did do is cum hard on her daughter’s tongue, following which Joshua mounted her and fucked her hard, while her two youngest daughters each sucked on a tit. All Joydee could do was cuss up a storm and demand that the least her fucking husband could do was to give her a child. Joshua tried his best to accommodate her request, though Febe did a pretty good job of sucking as much cum as she could out of her mother’s cunt when Joshua was done with his part of the entertainment.

Once it was all over, the two youngsters left to sleep in their own bed, leaving Joshua and their mother alone.

OK, why?

The actual reason was meaningless, as the result was a failure. Joshua was already well aware of that. Joydee had, once again, as she had in so many other ways previously, proven that she was a keeper. How she could stay a keeper remained a mystery, but the reality was that Joshua needed to stop denying what could not be denied any more. Joydee would not be denied her place by his side, no matter what obstacle he put in her way.

And so he offered to her, You want to be a wife like Ana Fe is to me? Now you are.

§ § §

There came a night, about six months into the stay in Talasay, when Joshua was expecting his wife and Joydee to be in his bed, only to find Rowena sitting in the middle of it when he entered the bedroom.

Good evening, Rowena. Why are you here?

Po, I have an apology to make. When I said that I did not want you in me, I lied. I lied. I wanted you in me so bad that it scared me. It scared me that I could want something like that so bad that I lied because it frightened me. These past months, no one has been intentionally mean to me, but I do not feel included in the family either. All this time I have fought my own needs and my fear of admitting I had lied. Please forgive me, Po.

To whom have you told this?

Mom and she told me I had to tell Madam. So I told her too. That is when they say I should come to you tonight instead of them.

I see. And what do you expect to happen tonight?

I am here to be your bed partner tonight and do whatever you want to do.

Joshua took the girl in his arms, stroked her hair and spoke softly into her ear, Are you sure you just don’t feel left out?

I am sure, Po.

What followed was a languid session of lovemaking. It was very unlike the session she had experienced the first time. The evening of sex gave way to sleep, and sleep gave way to morning sex, which gave way to showers, which gave way to mid-morning sex. The two exited the bedroom in early afternoon, in desperate need of food and liquid refreshment. Rowena still clung to Joshua, whose arm encased the girl. Rowena would never engage in girl-girl sex of any type, but she would be from that day forward Joshua’s erstwhile handmaiden or, as she put it, his slave.

The schooling also worked very well. Arlin graduated high school with good grades. Mhitze, Janna and Rowena also graduated with very good grades. The three youngest were doing well and would be done in two years. Mary found time with her busy schedule, created by the loan business, to attend college for accounting.

Such was the outline of life in Joshua’s home. There were a few consequential things that did occur during those two years.

Though the youngest children were now on birth control, the older ones either never were, or chose to stop using birth control. Within the first year, there were six pregnancies: Ana Fe, Joydee, Mary, Arlin, Janna, and, last to get the seed, Rowena. A bedroom was turned into a nursery. The house was too small again! Rowena and Janna became the daytime nursemaids, but they needed help. Ana Fe and Mary were already working full time on issues regarding Joshua’s investments/loans. Joydee was teaching. The house was too much for all to keep clean with all that was transpiring, and the needs of the infants were taxing.

The returns from Mary's investment strategy came in as expected and, rather than just banking the loot, Joshua worked with Mary to loan out the interest payments pretty much as soon as they were received. Rather than the ₱11,825,000 in interest, they collected ₱19,921,004.59 in interest that first year. By the middle of the second year, they were having problems finding places for the interest earnings. Mary's plan had worked to perfection. They were becoming - in Filipino terms - wealthy.

It was time for a family council. Everyone, including the youngest of Joshua’s girls, had a say. No one was twelve now. The two youngest were just barely fourteen. It was seventeen months since the wedding.

Joshua spoke first. As far as I can see, we need two things. A different house and help with both the cleaning and the babies. How should we proceed?

Rowena asked, May I speak? Yes, of course she could, all assured her. Who will we get who will not become pregnant with your children? And we are all getting older. Do you want more young ones? How young do you want them?

That quieted them all. There was a moment of complete silence.

It was Ana Fe who spoke next. My husband, your slave asks good questions. If we answer them, maybe we have the answer for most of the problems we face. I am aware that Mary has some things to say, about a house for us and where we live.

Joshua sat silent. He was as confused as he looked. He had more pussy than any man ever had a right to, they were all attractive, and some of them were clearly still minors. Why did Rowena’s question make his cock come to attention?

Janiza wondered, Where will we put extra people?

Mary was having a hard time being quiet. Does everyone not know that we are now rich and getting richer every day? We have many millions of pesos. We have property because a few loans went bad and we took the property that was given as collateral. We have a beautiful property on the ocean not far from here where we can build a nice house. We have loans to an architect and some construction businesses. We can build a very large and beautiful home big enough for all of us plus others without making us poor in any way. We will still be wealthy. Joshua’s investment and the loans we manage have brought us this wealth.

This was something that Joshua was aware of, but others in the family probably had not been so aware. He had seen the property that Mary mentioned. It was a four-hectare tract. With a long coastline, and a deep setback as well, it was relatively square. The land held trees of coconut, banana, papaya and mango. There were rambutan bushes. A roadway into the property was lined with bougainvillea. It seemed ideal, and they had the clean title to it. Joshua was also aware of the books. He knew Mary had been modest as to the amount of their income. They could build the house from just one month’s receipts and still have money left over. In recent months, Ana Fe had spoken to him, that unless he needed to return to the USA, his girls were happy to remain here. There was plenty of money to send them to college here, and then he didn’t have to split up the family. He was renting out his house in the USA already. Why not, she had asked him, liquidate his holdings there and settle here? Now, as this conversation continued, he gave that some thought again.

Joydee was liking this better every second. If Joshua stayed here in the Philippines, that meant she could stay with Ana Fe and Joshua. If they relocated the USA, she would lose her man. If giving him even more young ones kept him here, she'd be his best recruiter. Well? How young Joshua?

Joshua’s mind had been miles away and snapped back: Twelve. I don’t want to be with girls younger than twelve.

Joydee, shaking her head, pointed out, But they are only twelve for one year.

Joshua was at sea, frustrated with both the question and his answer. I am aware of that!

So when you select a woman whose youngest children are twelve, you must find other women soon. See Joshua — that is a bad plan!

Mary turned to Joydee in defense of her man. What do you suggest?

We know if we get maids, Joshua will bed them. Right? So we find maid with children — girls — that are not yet twelve. The more girls they have under twelve, the better.

Rowena, a little confused, asked, How many maids do we need?

Ricca was not confused, and she had the answer, at least when it came to this. At least three maybe more, but they have to be pretty.

Joshua said nothing.

Ana Fe announced, Mary and I will see about the house. Joydee, Rowena and Arlin will see about the maids. Questions?

There were none. Joshua said nothing. And so, as the two-year anniversary rolled by and, with it, the earlier timeframe for Joshua to pack up his brood and bring them to the USA, no such thing happened. Instead, a new home, actually a mansion, was built overlooking the ocean. There were sixteen bedrooms, a very large nursery, three salas, a huge inside kitchen and a huge dirty kitchen. There were maid’s quarters. Some parts of the house were air-conditioned and some were not.

The selection of the maids was a process that was easier than they thought it would be. The women placed advertisements for maids in local newspapers. The ad said the maid had to be attractive, not over 29 years of age. Maids with dependent daughters would be acceptable. Over forty women applied in the first two weeks. Of those, ten were considered ugly. Of the remaining thirty, each was given an interview. The children were observed. Some were asked to cook a meal and others to clean a room or two. Finally, of those who remained, Joshua was to meet them until four were hired.

One at a time, one day at a time, Joshua met with the women aspiring to be one of the family’s maids.

Do you know who I am?

You are the husband of this house?

I am and I am something else. If you work here, I will have your body in my bed. Do you still want the job?

The first one said: If you try that, I will tell your wife!

Ana Fe! Come here!

Yes Joshua?

This one says that if I try to bed her, she will tell you. What will you tell her?

I will tell her to go if she can’t do as she was told.

The first one said: I am to have sex with your husband?


Then I will give you very good sex, Sir. Would you like me to show you now?

And with that, Joshua took her to the Master Bedroom and took her. He disrobed her. He had her lie down, tasted her pussy, ran a dildo up her cunt and rammed his cock up her ass. She took all of it, screamed for more and came hard. She asked him to promise her that he would do her often. That evening, she was invited to come back with her girls, help with the cooking and meet the family. She arrived with two daughters, a ten-year-old and a six-year-old. As she was cooking in the kitchen Joshua was seated nearby. Her daughters were close to her in the kitchen when Janiza and Ricca came in and sat at Joshua’s feet. The maid’s daughters, intrigued by the new girls, went over to Ricca and Janiza. Ricca had opened Joshua’s fly and was playing with his cock, stroking and licking it. Janiza asked the ten-year-old if she wanted to try. The ten-year-old looked over at her mother, the woman who wanted the maid’s job and, without speaking, asked… should I? The woman didn’t take more than a second to raise her eyebrows twice, and the ten-year-old tasted Joshua’s cock.

One maid hired… three more to go.

In the following week, three more maids were hired. Each of them had little girls. Joshua would not take them until they reached twelve years of age, but each would accept his member as he was ready. The oldest of the girls was ten and the youngest was two. There were nine girls in all. Joshua would have all the young pussy he desired for a decade to come.

By the third wedding anniversary, the mansion was built, and Janna, Ricca, Febe and Janiza (the last three now being 15 and 16) all had babies. In fact, all of his women and girls had given him at least one child. Ana Fe and Joydee had given one, Mary had given him two and the rest one each. His maids were, each of them, pregnant. Joydee was going to be teaching children for a long time to come, and the oldest of the children from the maids was eleven… an age that Joshua had now decided was old enough, bedding the child every day for a month.

That same year, Joshua liquidated his remaining property and investments in the USA. The extra dollars were now inconsequential to the family’s finances. Every month the interest payments from the investments rolled in, close to doubling the bottom line by the end of each year. There was no financial cause for concern regarding this huge family and squadron of children. Each of his girls, as she reached 15 or 16, bore more children and each year from the third year on for the next ten years, there were girls in the pipeline from the maids. Would he dip into his own — as they aged up? He thought not, but he hadn’t thought an eleven-year-old would be old enough for him once, and now, one was. His tastes and his options were expanding as his options grew. He gave up any attempt at justifying his proclivities. They were what they were.

Ana Fe and Joydee were still quite beautiful, as were Mary, Arlin, Mhitze, Janna and the rest. But those, he wanted to keep pregnant. Once they were pregnant — he did not sleep with them until the child was delivered. As so, as each pregnancy took a girl out of ‘service’ for about eleven months, there were times when just about every female 15 and older was ‘out of service.’ And so a month with the eleven-year-old was not shutting anyone older out. None were available.

In the fourth year of marriage, there were five full months when there was not a single female greater than 15 years of age who was not pregnant. Ricca, Febe and Janiza were all heavy with children. Even the maids were pregnant again. For those five months, Joshua’s only bed companions were three of the children from his maids, a twelve-year-old and two eleven-year-olds. He almost dipped down into a ten-year-old, but held off until her eleventh birthday.

Children under the age of four were everywhere! The Joshua Tree was beyond buds, it was in young spring leaf. There were many branches, and each branch held two or three leaves. It was as Janna, now age nineteen and with three children, had envisioned it.

And so it was, that a man who had walked on quiet autumn residential streets in his quintessential American town, an aging, but not old, divorced man, ended his life surrounded by women, bearing him children. With their help, he had built up a substantial fortune, which would see them through the years after his passing with an ease that none would have ever imagined possible in their lives.

For every one of them, he had taken them from a life lived in difficult circumstances and turned them into heiresses. He gave himself a legacy in the form of literally dozens of children who would carry his name, or at least his genes. This was not his fantasy, this was not what he had hoped for, this was not what he could ever have envisioned. This was what happened when a fantasy met real people in real life.

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The End

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1 - Aunt
2 - Mother (Tagalog)

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